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2020 was an unprecedented year for a lot of people. For me in addition to the global pandemic and all the effects of that situation, I also suffered two miscarriages. Devastating to say the least. But the truth is there are no words that exist that can truly comprehend or communicate the magnitude of the loss experienced and the damage that is done when a child that was so desperately wanted is lost by miscarriage.

The effects are life long. It changes how you see the world and life in so many ways. And that experience is completely different from person to person. It will change you. Some for the better and some for the worst but it’s a personal choice how you choose to allow it to change you. You have the power to decide how you let this experience shape your future.

For me…it definitely was a jarring reminder of how fragile life is and that nothing is guaranteed so everything of value must be cherished and appreciated while you have it because you do not know how much time is allotted for any facet of our human experiences.

So with children or without them I encourage everyone to please live your life to the fullest and best of your capacity. We only get to do this once so embrace all of it and focus on the best of it. Chase your passions, follow your interests, there is so much to do on this earth while we still have time. Yes there is death, but there is also life. Find ways to make yours meaningful. Get busy living!

Relatable song: Jireh by Elevation Worship & Maverick City